Virtual Exemplary of Balinese Ritual Dance for Bongo Village Gorontalo

Riana Diah Sitharesmi1 & Dian Restyani2



Balinese ritual dance is important to present symbols, which embodies the sacred and values in completing worship ceremony. Yet, it is a delicate effort for Hindu-Balinese transmigrant in Bongo Village, Gorontalo to present the dance in their piodalan, due to the absence of dancing skill inheritance. Today, young generation of the community (Pasraman) is failing to meet the obligation to present the dance themselves in their rituals, which also affect to the thoroughness of ngayah and the worship itself. This research suggests virtual exemplary as a medium for ritual dances tutorial within today’s situation of Covid-19. The imperative is how such virtual means allows members of Pasraman well absorb the entire dance material. I applied an experimental research method to feature the technical implementation of tutorial process. The research found that virtual exemplary must be applied side by side with the direct interaction, and it required the perceptible explanation upon the dance’s substance. It is concluded that virtual exemplary could be an effective media to be used in a hybrid-type of ritual dance tutorial, through which remote communities similarly to Bongo Village will be able to rehearse on their own path.

Keywords: virtual exemplary, dance, balinese ritual


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