Vertical Video Trends Among Amateur Digital Platform Users As An Alternative for Film Production
Retno Mustikawati1, Ghalif Putra Sadewa2, Muhammad Alvin Fadholi3
Vertical Video Syndrome, perhaps that phrase is enough to represent the spread of watching via smartphones and also the rise of amateur digital content makers with vertical formats. For active smartphone users, vertical is dominating, since all components of digital life make users subconsciously hold the phone vertically at any opportunity. It didn’t take long for smartphones to dominate all aspects of life. Penetration after penetration is carried out, from flexibility, and artificial intelligence, to dynamically moving privacy viewing rooms.
As a new starting point in a fairly long time, videos with vertical format seem to give birth to a glimmer of hope in a film atmosphere that seems exclusive and rigid. Since its appearance on various digital platforms such as Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, the trend of short films with the portrait concept has received more attention from filmmakers, critics, academics, and viewers. Vertical videos are now changing the viewing culture as well as the way viewers enjoy online videos. Of course, in addition to the strong dominance of social media, it is also supported by the uniqueness of packaging and distribution that feels right and tends to be more comfortable considering the rapidly increasing use of mobile phones.
The limited space of the story forces the creative team to work more within the framework of creating. Likewise with the talents involved, the vertical format provides a more challenging exploration of expressions and gestures. This may not be too touched in the previous era (landscape camera workspace zone). At the same time, we still pay attention to the estuary of production, which is about distribution in cinema networks, which may still stick to the commitment to horizontal formats.
This study uses qualitative methods to collect data, draws on much of the current literature and practice surrounding the phenomenon of vertical video production, and attempts to unify the fabric of mutually beneficial cooperation between ideas and renewable technologies. The results of the research are in the form of knowledge and recommendations about packaging and distribution of film production in the right vertical format so that it is comfortable to watch by digital platform users in a time of rapid technological development, but also does not forget the elements of art that are processed into intersecting to produce shows that are by demands of the times.
Keywords: vertical video, digital platform, film production, art, technology
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